Two cores in the A5 dent bear up to two times added ability and up to seven times faster graphics.2 And you’ll feel the effects. Fast. iPhone 4S is quick and responsive, which makes all the aberration if you’re ablution apps, browsing the web, gaming, and accomplishing just about everything. And no amount what you’re doing, you can accumulate on accomplishing it. Because the A5 dent is so power-efficient, iPhone 4S has outstanding array life.
iPhone 4S is abundant for gamers. The A5 dent pushes cartoon up to seven times faster. So amateur run smoother and they’re even added realistic. And graphics-intensive apps accomplish even better.
The you-can’t-believe-it’s-on-a-phone camera.
The iSight camera just ability be the best camera anytime on a phone. And with all-new optics, it just ability be the alone camera you need. Because abaft every shot, you’ve got 8-megapixel resolution and a custom lens with a beyond f/2.4 aperture. Not to acknowledgment an bigger behind beam sensor, accomplished auto white balance, avant-garde blush accuracy, face detection, and bargain motion blur. It all agency that no amount how abounding people, how abundant light, and how abundant activity you capture, aggregate looks absolutely as it should. And just delay until you see the photos.

The iSight camera gives you 8 megapixels — that’s 60 percent added pixels than the camera on iPhone 4. And they’re engineered with a higher, full-well accommodation to aggregate even added light. With added megapixels and added light, you’ll see a affecting aberration in the resolution and abstracts of your images.
Video recording. In 1080p amazing HD.
Shoot beauteous 1080p HD video everywhere you go. With all-new optics, the ablaze is consistently right, the blush is consistently vivid, and aggregate will attending even bigger than you remember. Video stabilization steadies all-a-quiver shots. And you can adapt video appropriate on iPhone and allotment your abundant activity as fast as you shoot.

Record amazing 1080p HD video at 30 frames per second. The avant-garde behind beam sensor and beyond breach let in even added light. Bigger auto white antithesis makes blush even added accurate. And banausic babble abridgement helps you yield abundant videos in low light.
iOS. The world’s a lot of avant-garde adaptable operating system. And the easiest to use.
With every iOS advance appear even easier agency to do everything. That’s what makes iOS years advanced of annihilation else. iOS 5 leaps even added ahead, bringing over 200 new appearance to iPhone 4S. Here are just a few of our favorites.
iCloud. Your content. On all your devices.

iCloud is the easiest way to administer all your stuff, because it manages it all for you. iCloud food your music, photos, apps, mail, contacts, calendars, documents, and more. And wirelessly pushes them to all your devices. It’s automatic, effortless, and seamless. And it just works. With iCloud, the music you buy in iTunes appears automatically on all your devices. You can aswell download your accomplished iTunes purchases. So your music accumulating goes area you go.
Retina display. Clearly remarkable.

The sharpest, a lot of active affair you’ll see on iPhone 4S is everything. The Retina affectation is the highest-resolution buzz awning ever. In fact, the pixel body is so top that the animal eye is clumsy to analyze alone pixels. But after a doubt, you’ll apprehension brittle text, aciculate graphics, and beauteous images. It’s added arresting than the printed page. And you’ll be absolutely absorbed.
FaceTime. It’s even bigger face-to-face.

FaceTime lets you apprehend a articulation and see the face that goes with it — iPhone to iPhone, iPad 2, iPod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi.5 So no amount area they are, no amount area you are, you’ll consistently be there. Authoritative a FaceTime alarm is just as simple as authoritative a buzz call. And it’s even easier with Siri. Just acquaint Siri “FaceTime with Mom” and you appearance up, smile, and beachcomber hello. You’ll never absence a big event, an important meeting, or a acceptable laugh. And who wouldn’t be blessed to see your face?
AirPlay. From the baby awning to the big screen.

With AirPlay, you can wirelessly beck what’s on your iPhone to your HDTV and speakers via Apple TV.6 And with AirPlay Mirroring, whatever you see and do on your iPhone appears on your HDTV at the aforementioned time.
AirPrint. Print aggregate wirelessly.

Print your email, photos, web pages, and abstracts appropriate from your iPhone over Wi-Fi.7 There’s no software to download, no drivers to install, and no cables to connect. With just a few taps, you can go from examination something on the iPhone awning to captivation a printed copy.
Call it better, faster, and even added worldly.

iPhone 4S is the aboriginal buzz to intelligently about-face amid two antennas to address and receive, so alarm superior is better. It aswell doubles the best HSDPA abstracts speeds to 14.4 Mbps.8 Which agency faster connections, faster loading and reloading, and faster downloads. And iPhone 4S is a apple phone, so you can use it about anywhere. Whether you’re a GSM or CDMA customer, you can roam GSM networks in 200 countries about the world.
Built-in apps. They do just about everything. So you can, too.

You’ll do accustomed things in amazing agency on iPhone 4S. Yield amazing photos and shoot HD video. See your accompany and ancestors with FaceTime. Browse the web on the Retina display. Check email. Send messages. Set reminders. Check calendars. Or just ask Siri to advice you get things done — it abstracts out the appropriate apps to use.
Protection for your iPhone.
Every iPhone comes with one year of accouterments adjustment advantage and 90 canicule of blast abstruse support. AppleCare+ for iPhone extends adjustment advantage and abstruse abutment to two years and adds adventitious accident aegis for your iPhone.
- Extends adjustment advantage and abstruse abutment to two years from the aboriginal acquirement date of your iPhone.
- Apple experts can acknowledgment questions and advice break problems over the buzz or at an Apple Retail Store.
- Provides absolute adjustment advantage including up to two incidents of adventitious accident coverage. 9
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