There's no two means about it, the Nokia E7 aloof doesn't cut it. The accouterments is admirable with endless of comfortable metal, a abundant awning and superb keyboard. However, the software is a pig to use and is rather apathetic as well. Add in the asinine blooper up of accepting no autofocus on the camera and you accept a buzz that's alone account because if you're a Nokia/Symbian/keyboard fan who artlessly can't buck to change. Alike afresh we'd apparently opt for the Nokia N8.
Key Features
- 4in AMOLED screen
- Large slideout keyboard
- Symbian 3.0 OS
- 680MHz processor
- 8 megapixel camera
Nokia E7
There's no point assault about the bush, the Nokia E7 is in a funny old situation. Nokia has about put the brakes on developing the Symbian software aloft which it runs, in favour of application Windows Buzz for its approaching smartphones. This was bad abundant for the contrarily absorbing Nokia N8, with its arresting 12.1 megapixel camera, but after this banderole affection and an arguably ancient keyboard to add to its aggregate as well, the E7 has a absolute activity on its hands. So after added ado, let's accept a apple-pie fight, no bitter and gouging, and no affairs any punches. Ding! Ding! Round one!

Where the Nokia E7 doesn't abort is in its administration and body quality. Crafted from abundant slabs of aluminium and a ample bottle screen, the alone rivals that appear abutting to equalling the accepted activity of affection are those congenital by Apple, and alike afresh it's alone absolutely the iPhone 4 that competes. There's an altercation for adage that if alone on a attic it would appear out aloof as abominably as endless others but as a accessory to handle it is exceptional.

Slide the awning up to acknowledge the keyboard and this consequence isn't addled for a moment acknowledgment to a able accelerate apparatus and beautifully crafted and laid-out keyboard. However, the accelerate activity itself is a bit awkward. While we acknowledge that accepting the awning acceleration to a added clear bend is beneficial, it does beggarly you can't cautiously accelerate the buzz accessible with one hand. Moreover, alike two-handed the activity is a bit fiddly and takes a little while to get the adhere of after accepting the buzz about fly from your hands.

Another actual affair is the arduous aggregate of the device. It's decidedly abbreviate because it's packing a slide-out keyboard but the 4in awning and boxy body amalgamate to accomplish this a ample 176g barbarian with ambit of 123.7 x 62.4 x 13.6mm (compared to 137g and 115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3 mm for the iPhone 4 - a buzz that's already adequately heavy).
As anytime Nokia has arranged the E7 with connectivity and buttons. Beeline abroad we acclaim the move to abode the capital card button on the advanced in the average rather than off to the ancillary as on the N8, but abroad it's a alloyed bag. The ability button on the top is tiny and recessed so is rather difficult to reach, while the slider about-face on the larboard bend that locks and unlocks the awning feels superfluous. Yes, we acknowledge some bodies acquisition it advantageous but added buttons amalgamate to accomplish the aforementioned action so it absolutely isn't necessary. Conversely we do rather like the aggregate slider on the appropriate bend and abundantly acknowledge the committed button for the camera that's additionally begin here.
Also to be begin on the appropriate bend is the SIM slot, which uses an, afresh beautifully made, metal tray to abode the SIM. Finally up top are sockets for headphones, microUSB (for abstracts alteration and charging) and HDMI, for brim video beeline out to your TV. - not article we'd do all that generally but advantageous nonetheless.

For watching video on the buzz itself, the superb, ablaze and colourful AMOLED awning works wonders. Colours aloof bound from it while blacks absolutely are black. It's not absolutely absolute in that there's a lot of dejected colour about-face back beheld from an bend but for accepted multimedia it's a delight. For added absolute work, however, like browsing the web or autograph emails, the lower-than-average 360 x 640 resolution makes it a bit harder to see what's activity on.
All in all though, it's a appealing acceptable appearance so far. However, it's back we appear to the software that things breach down.
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